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The Meteoric Career of Ewamaru


Since his humble beginnings in 2011 at the age of 12, Ewamaru, born Issam Attaoui, has carved his path in the Moroccan music industry with unwavering determination. His passion for rap grew over the years, and he quickly caught attention with his impactful lyrics and energetic stage presence.

Born on May 28, 1999, in Rabat and raised in Témara, Ewamaru faced numerous challenges in pursuing his dream of becoming a rapper. He worked hard to improve his skills and started recording his first songs in 2016. His debut single, "YOMMA," was a heartfelt tribute to his mother and reflected the powerful bond they shared.

Despite his humble beginnings, Ewamaru continued to evolve as an artist, exploring various themes and musical styles. In 2021, he released "3M," a deeply personal song that resonated with many listeners. The lyrics depicted the challenges in his life, his battle with depression, and the small victories that strengthened his sense of gratitude.

But it was in 2022 that his career truly took off with the hit track "Cannabis." This song became a massive hit, propelling Ewamaru to the forefront of the Moroccan music scene. "Cannabis" was the spark that gave Ewamaru the momentum to release several other successful tracks, including "Hola," "12 d'lil," "Mirror," and "Jale."

With each new release, Ewamaru has captivated his audience with his unique flow and impactful lyrics. His commitment to staying authentic and addressing social issues through his music has also contributed to his rapid rise. Indeed, one of his most notable songs, "Hadi Blad La Weed," tackles the plight of underprivileged individuals in Morocco, shedding light on important social problems.

Ewamaru's career continues to soar, and it is clear that he is destined to become one of the most influential Moroccan rappers of his generation. His perseverance, undeniable talent, and dedication to his music have already made him an undeniable force in the Moroccan rap scene.

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